Six Measures for Better Leadership

I recently ran a workshop on strategy and accountability for The Executive Connection (TEC). As we discussed ways in which to increase accountability and clarify responsibilities within our team, we workshopped a number of ideas around how we can better use Leading Indicators to improve performance. A good way to think about Leading Indicators are…

What is your focus?

I was looking for a John Wooden quote to start this post, and while I hadn’t seen this one before, its perfect because it encapsulates everything I have read about this amazing man. Its laughable that he never focused on winning. Not because it isn’t true, but because he is probably the most successful sporting…

Authentic Leadership

Understanding yourself is key to being an authentic leader. Although this is often easier said than done, the more we understand our strengths, weaknesses, anxieties and fears the better we are at understanding others, developing empathy and enhance our capacity for leadership. One way is to use a profiling tool to increase our understanding of…

Poor team performance is your fault #2

A good philosophy from Business Improvement is the idea that a good manager is “nose in, hands out”. In practice this means that you need to know exactly what is going on with your direct reports, you should be across their KPIs and know how they are travelling towards their targets. That’s the nose in…

The problem with motivational speakers

The problem with motivational speakers is that they generally don’t have the impact that we pay them for. Many of the speakers I have seen and heard over the years have definitely had a short-term impact. They have a wonderful message, great stories that leave me laughing one moment, crying the next. I leave the…